Define electrical tariffs

Configure tariffs  

In smart-me billing, you can either work with electricity tariffs or with virtual tariffs.

Electricity tariffs (only valid if VEWA function not used)

To access the electricity tariff settings, click on the property on the left and scroll to the green Tariffs Electricity window. Here the two tariffs T1 and T2 are displayed. Select one of the tariffs and click on Edit to make changes to its properties (e.g. name, price, etc.).

In order to be able to work with the electricity tariffs, the tariff signal of the electricity company must be connected to the tariff input of the corresponding meters. 

Virtual tariffs

Virtual tariffs allow you to define your own dynamic tariff model for energy billing. This can be used to distinguish between tenants drawing electricity from a solar installation or from the grid for their own consumption if merging of private energy consumption (tenant electricity) is used. 

Please note that all normal electricity tariffs must be deleted.

You will see all the virtual tariffs that have already been entered under Virtual tariffs. Click on Add.

Name: The name of the tariff is also displayed to the user (tenant)

Tariff type 

Solar or battery meter

For the solar and battery tariff, you must specify a meter that measures all consumers to which this energy is to be distributed. This can also be a virtual meter that totals all consumers (note that virtual meters require an additional licence).

Balance meter (optional)
A balance meter can optionally be specified for the solar tariff.  If the balance meter is specified, the energy that is fed into the grid is taken into account when calculating the solar tariff. This means that for each 15 minutes, only the solar energy that was actually consumed in the building is distributed (energy available = PV production - grid feed-in).

Price/kWh: The price for this tariff

Valid from: The start date from which this tariff applies

Valid until: The end date for the validity of this tariff

Additional condition
You can define when this tariff is valid with an additional condition. This can be a time period (e.g. for high/low tariff) or any other condition. The condition must have been defined beforehand as an If/ Then action.

For the solar and battery tariff, we do not recommend specifying an additional condition. If you still want to use high/low tariff for the solar and battery tariff, you have to define an If/ Then action for each high and low tariff. Then you can assign the high and low tariff condition to the tariff type "Normal tariff" and "Solar tariff".

