General description of the interface

DTA-VHKA (Daten Träger Austausch der verbrauchsabhängigen Heiz- und Warmwasserkostenabrechnung) is the name of the interface for the electronic data exchange of consumption-based data between billing companies and property managers. A uniform interface throughout Switzerland for importing consumption data into the management software programs ensures efficiency and flexibility. This means that property managers can work with all meter reading companies, regardless of the software they use.

Working instructions in connection with VHKA files

DTA-VHKA Import Export Process description

Currently supported formats

File upload and download menu

2. Choose the export type and upload the file via "Export".

3. After the export has been created, download the final file via "Download" to your computer.

Define tariffs and external keys

External keys are required to compare the billing units and cost centers in the request file with the tariffs and billing units of the smart-me platform. 

Note: As long as there are no changes on the part of the real estate software (additional rooms or cost centers), the external keys are static and do not need to be renewed each time.

Cost centers (energy types and tariffs)

To ensure that the cost centers can be clearly assigned in the VHKA order file, a suitable tariff must be defined and linked in the Smart-me portal for each energy source queried.

The link is created via the respective external key in the generated tariff.

Supported cost centers and tariffs:

Note: For electric tariffs, it makes sense to price the current tariffs in the smart-me portal. The costs for this are already made known by the energy supplier in advance of the switch. For heat, water and gas, the tariffs are only known after the end of the billing period and should therefore be entered as CHF 0.00.

Settlement units (apartments, rooms and parking spaces)

During the first upload, the smart-me billing unit is assigned to the billing unit requested in the file using the external keys. This is done via the ID of the billing unit in the real estate software.


Name smart-me settlement unit: Apartment ground floor left

Real estate software settlement unit: ID: 92 Apartment 302.0, first floor 3 1/2 rooms

Compatible software and specific configuration notes

Handling error messages