Service Charge Settlement
In order to use meter data from smart-me in a service charge settlement, the meters require a professional licence. In addition, our partners need:
Commissioning protocols of the electric, heat and water meters.
User list
The following service providers integrate the smart-me meter data directly via smart-me API or via other automated interfaces:
Blockstrom AG
Morillonstrasse 77
CH-3007 Bern
+41 31 511 20 30
+ optional with collection
D + R Immobilien AG
Rebbergstrasse 56a
CH-5621 Zufikon
+41 56 641 91 41
Gemeindewerke Erstfeld
Gotthardstrasse 101
CH-6472 Erstfeld
+41 41 882 00 10
+ optional with collection
NeoVac Gruppe (Hauptsitz)
Eichaustrasse 1
CH-9463 Oberriet
+41 58 715 50 50
Standard tariff only, no smart-me billing
Other service providers:
Software for service charge settlements without service
Egon AG
General Wille-Strasse 59
CH-8706 Feldmeilen
+41 58 680 20 05
Wilenstrasse 27
9500 Wil
+41 43 540 2738