

This section summarizes the regulations applicable in Switzerland on calibration law and MID in associations for self-consumption. The ordinance can be found here:
Ordinance of the FDJP on measuring equipment for electrical energy and power (EMmV)

Measuring Instruments Directive (MID) - Certification

In the conformity assessment procedure, a designated body checks whether the measuring equipment or the manufacture of the measuring equipment meets the legal requirements. The conformity assessment is carried out by the designated body for the manufacturer of the measuring equipment. The manufacturer then issues the declaration of conformity for the measuring equipment with regard to compliance with a legal standard.

If the measuring equipment is subject to the Measuring Equipment Directive 2004/22 / EC (electrical, heat, water, cold or gas meters), the conformity assessment body must also be named by the EU Commission.

Such measuring equipment can be identified by the “CE” or “CH” in combination with the metrology mark “M”.

Example: CE M 20 (year of verification) 1259 (verification point)

Load profile certification

The swiss load profile certification  enables the user to bill on the basis of meter readings with an interval of at least 15 minutes. This certification requires additional technical possibilities and deals with the signing, data storage and the transmission paths (security, encryption) of the data.

3-phase Telstar energy meters, 3-Phase Meter Telstar CT and Pico EV-Charger have both MID and the swiss load profile certification.

Certifications in the Association for Self-Consumption (ASC)

The smart-me technology covers both of the following variants:

Variant 1: ASC billing using meter readings and a standard or double tariff (MID required)

An ASC can be billed using the start and end of the meter reading (due dates). All that is required by law is a measuring device with MID certification. Tariff differences are only possible with an external signal with high and low tariffs, otherwise a standard tariff can be used.


Disadvantage of the standard tariff:

Disadvantage of double tariff with external tariff signal:

Variant 2: ASC billing using load profile data and multi-tariff system (MID and swiss load profile certification required)

An ASC can be billed using load profile data (15-minute intervals). This variant opens up the full scope of an ASC with all the advantages for tenants and owners.



Certification for EV-Chargers

Provisions for billing ev-charging stations in Switzerland

Charging points in a rental relationship:

In principle, Switzerland requires the same from charging station hardware that is used in a rental relationship as for conventional meter hardware:

Charging points in public areas with different users:

The labels on the right are mandatory symbols that must be visible on the hardware at all times in order to feature MID, load profile or Eichrecht calibration

Mandatory labels on the charging hardware:


CH load profile certification:

Provisions for billing charging stations in Germany

Charging points in the rental relationship:

Germany basically requires the same from charging station hardware that is used in a rental relationship as for conventional meter hardware:

Charging points in public areas with different users:

The labels on the right are mandatory symbols that must be visible on the hardware at all times in order to feature MID, load profile or Eichrecht calibration

Mandatory labels on the charging hardware:


Eichrecht certification:

Eichrecht Certification (Germany)

Eichrecht is a German law that regulates the accuracy and transparency of measurements in Germany. When charging e-vehicles, this regulation ensures that measurements at charging stations are accurate and transparent to protect consumers. 

According to the calibration law, e-charging stations must be equipped with an electricity meter that is certified and calibrated (MID).
The electricity meter measures the energy consumed and determines the amount charged to the e-driver. 

The calibration regulations also govern other aspects of billing.
Charging stations must clearly display prices and provide customers with a receipt showing the amount of energy consumed, the price charged and other relevant details.

It must be possible to cross-check the correctness of the charging processes using independent transparency software.

The calibration law also regulates the issues of data security and energylosses in the charging prosses due to cabeling or other means.

Recalibration of MID meters

All provided information is subject to change and in accordance with EMmV 941.251  (as of January 1st, 2018).


Meters must be recalibrated by the Federal Institute for Metrology (METAS) or by an authorized verification body in accordance with the procedure in Annex 7 number 1 MessMV:

a. Meter with electronic measuring mechanism: every 10 years (smart-me 3-phase energy meter Telstar)

b. Counter with electromechanical measuring mechanism: every 15 years

Transducers (current sensors)

Transducers must be recalibrated by METAS or an authorized verification body using the procedure in Annex 7 number 1 MessMV:

a. inductive transducers with a closed core: every 60 years

b. transducers other than those (e.g. split core) according to letter a: every 2 years.

Extension of the validity of an existing calibration

The certification is valid for 10 years, regardless of the manufacturer.

Calibration by lot review (statistical test procedure)

The SAK and the CKW calibrate smart-me meters in the lottery for a fee. If you are interested, please contact the respective head of the calibration center directly. In practice, most of the meters in an ASC are not recalibrated but written off over the years and replaced by new meters at the end of their service life.

Testing by lottery requires a first sample test after 5 years and then periodically every 5 years.

If METAS releases the lot according to letter E number 6, the counters of the released lot are considered to be calibrated for a further 5 years, provided they remain subject to the statistical test procedure.


If the calibration of the devices expires and a lot review procedure is not possible, the meters must be replaced with new devices after 10 years.

MINERGIE certification with smart-me? Yes!

Certified monitoring system or not certified?

MINERGIE certification requires a suitable measuring system for the required monitoring. According to the Minergie regulations, "certified module systems" as well as "non-certified systems" that can collect and visualise the necessary data are suitable for this. (last updated: 6.2.2023,  please consult Minergie for any updates first, available in German, French and Italian)

MINERGIE regulations:

Section 1.5.1 states that non-certified measuring systems may also be used, provided they meet the requirements of the MINERGIE-P and -A product regulations.

Product regulations MINERGIE-P and -A: 

Item 15 Monitoring: Reference to the detailed requirements in "Appendix E" of the same document.

(Status 06.02.2023 Product Regulations 2021)

Appendix E: Requirement for the monitoring system

The monitoring equipment of Minergie buildings that must be equipped with such according to chapter 15 must meet the following requirements:

Energy flows

At least the following energy flows must be measured separately:

In addition, for buildings >2000m2 EBF, one central measuring point per building:

It is recommended to measure the energy consumption of the electric heater with a separate meter, if one is used in the water heater.

Measurement and data processing

The requirements regarding the energy flows to be measured and the measurement are

Minimum requirements. Differentiations are permissible and desirable.

It must be possible to compare the measured values with those of the previous year and with average values over several years.


Does smart-me meet the Minergie requirements?

Our energy monitoring system fulfills these requirements with: