Multilevel load management error message
The load management group is probably not configured correctly:
Cloud connection failure value is not "Max. current (per group)" selectedInternet failure configuration is not available. Perform firmware upgrade on all picos to at least 0.0.25
No text is in the fiel "Name"
A previously used Pico load group or meter hardware has been deleted on the hardware side. The MLM must be reconfigured to restore the function.
Always delete the relevant Pico load groups from the MLM tree first and then on the hardware to avoid destroying the configuration.
Too little power is always assigned to the groups
Too little power is always assigned to a group There may be the following reasons for this:
There is not enough capacity for all groups --> Reduce the group currents slightly to achieve a balance between the groups.
There is not enough capacity for all groups --> Reduce the group currents temporarily with the "current time constraints" setting per hour.
The assigned power is always equal to the internet outage current
The MLM is not active and therefore only distributes the Internet outage current for safety reasons --> Activate MLM and press Save.