The Nimbus 100A is directly compatible with various meter plug-in terminals. The plug-in terminals known and tested by us are listed here.
The meter plug-in terminals allow meters to be replaced or exchanged during operation without interrupting the power supply.
Please note that accessories such as connector tools and meter connection pins must also be ordered for the use of these plug-in terminals.
Eweco terminals
The meter plug-in terminals from Eweco are directly compatible and are manufactured in Switzerland.
Manufacturer website and sales information:
ZSK: up to 80A
ZAK: up to 100A
Hager terminals
Manufacturer website and sales information:
Meter plug-in terminals and accessories | Hager Schweiz
Series KJ31CH01: up to 100A
Series KJD080C1: up to 80A
Seidl terminals
Manufacturer website and sales information:
SL-ZAKD: up to 80A permanent and 128A overcurrent